Moving markups up and down in the list
You can rearrange the order of your markups in the Totals / Markups panel, but remember, if you have markups that are based on previous subtotals, moving markups could change their calculated amounts. You can move markups up or down when you do a ...
Adding a Bottom Line markup with steps, ie; Bond Markup
BidMatrix allows you to include Bottom Line markups with stepped percentages. This is often required when you need to create a bond markup for the project. Bottom Line markups with step percentages will calculate amounts based on the different ...
Adding a Subtotal(s) to the Totals / Markups panel
You can insert subtotals anywhere you choose in your list of markups on the Totals / Markups panel. This is beneficial anytime you want to add a markup that is based on the project net total and the sum of any markups that have already been added ...
Adding a Bottom Line Markup
Bottom Line markups are markups that are always calculated on the gross total for a project, and the bottom line markup includes it's calculated amount in the gross total. To add a Bottom Line markup, click on the Totals / Markups option on the ...
Adding a Percent Markup
To add a Percent Markup, click on the Totals / Markups option on the Summary Sheet toolbar. Next, right mouse click on any row in the Totals / Markups panel and select Insert New Below or Insert New Above. This will bring up the Add Markup window. In ...
Adding a Lump Sum markup
To add a Lump Sum markup click on the Totals / Markups option on the Summary Sheet toolbar. Next, right mouse click on any row in the Totals / Markups panel and select Insert New Below or Insert New Above. This will bring up the Add Markup window. In ...
Deleting a Markup From a Bid
To delete a markup, right mouse click on the markup you wish to delete. Choose the Delete option from the menu.
Accessing the Totals / Markup panel to add a markup
Markups are added to the bid from the project Summary Sheet. To add a markup to the bid, click on the Totals/Markups option on the Summary Sheet toolbar. Clicking on the Markups option will bring up a panel on the right hand side of ...