BidMatrix Setup
Setup/Configuration/Integration of the BuildingConnected Subcontractor Database
If you have chosen to enable the integration to BuildingConnected, the administrator can define a list of subcontractor attributes that will be accessed and displayed when clicking on subcontractors in a BidMatrix bid package. You can also add ...
Setup/Configuration/Integration of the SmartBid Subcontractor Database
If you have chosen to enable the integration to SmartBid, the administrator can define a list of subcontractor attributes that will be accessed and displayed when clicking on subcontractors in a BidMatrix bid package. You can also add additional ...
Using your SQL login credentials, you can use tools like PowerBI Report Builder to create custom reports that meet your company's specific reporting needs. BidMatrix will allow Report Definition Language (RDL) files to be uploaded and made available ...
Setup/Configuration of the "Local" BidMatrix Subcontractor Database
If you have chosen to enable a local subcontractor database and are not enabling either the BuildingConnected or SmartBid database option, the administrator can define a custom list of attributes that will be used for all subcontractors. You setup ...
Choosing the Subcontractor Database in BidMatrix
BidMatrix provides three options for the subcontractor database that will be accessed when populating a bid package with subcontractors. You can choose to use a local subcontractor database that can be custom configured with the BidMatrix ...
Adding/Managing Project Attributes
To add a project attribute, first enter a project attribute name. Next, select the input type for the project attribute. The project attribute input type can be text, numeric, yes / no, date, or multiple-choice. Then select the plus sign to add the ...
Why Set Up Project Attributes
Attributing your projects in BidMatrix will allow you begin creating a bid history database. You can quickly filter and search your database of projects using any combination of your project attributes. Setting up and assigning project attributes to ...
Company Setup
You can view Company Setup by clicking on the settings icon in the upper right corner of all BidMatrix screens. Your Company Setup is a view only page that displays your company name, your company ID, the date your subscription to BidMatrix began, ...
Setting Up Project Attributes
Project Attributes can be accessed by clicking on the settings' icon in the upper right corner of all BidMatrix screens and then selecting Projects in the settings navigation panel.
User Managment
Users can be accessed by clicking on the settings' icon in the upper right corner of all BidMatrix screens. In Users you can invite users to BidMatrix. Click on the option, invite users to BidMatrix. Enter the email address and the name of each user ...
Subscription Management
Subscriptions can be accessed by clicking on the settings' icon in the upper right corner of all BidMatrix screens. Subscriptions will display your company's subscription ID, plan name, user quantity, status, billing cycle, the last billed date, ...