Bid Package Management
Matrix Path Analysis - No Solutions Yet
The "No Solutions Yet" message will appear within the Path Analysis when one or more phases is not covered by either a bid from a subcontractor, or a budgeted dollar amount for that phases(s). The following screenshot provides an example of a matrix ...
Disconnect a Category Cost From the Subcontractor Matrix Budget
In a situation where you don't want a category cost for a phase to be part of a bid package matrix, you can "disconnect" the category cost from the subcontractor phase budget. For example, you might wish to disconnect category costs from a phase ...
Breaking Out a Category Cost From the Subcontractor Matrix Budget
From time to time, you may want to "breakout" a category cost from a phase budget, so you can enter bids separately for the category cost you've broken out. For example, you might want the subcontractors that are bidding a phase, to give you a bid ...
Supplementing a "lump sum" bid
To supplement a "lump sum" bid, right mouse click on the lump sum amount and choose supplement. Next, enter the supplemental amount. The supplement amount can either be a positive or negative number. A positive amount will be represented by a ...
Updating the Summary Sheet From the Bid Package
The Summary Sheet is continually updated with the "current" selection of subcontractors from each bid package. As the selection of subcontractors changes in a bid package, the Summary Sheet is being updated "real-time." This supports the idea of a ...
Reviewing/Managing Path Analysis
The Path Analysis allows you to remove the guesswork from your bid submission. BidMatrix optimizes your subcontractor selections by analyzing thousands of possible solutions in any given bid package, providing you with the optimum solution, in most ...
Viewing Other Users in the Bid Package
BidMatrix allows multiple users to be working in the same project as the same time. You can have multiple users in the same project bid package entering quotes and analyzing the results. If multiple users are in the bid package concurrently, you will ...
Export the Bid Package Matrix
To export the bid package matrix to Excel, click on the Export option on the bid package toolbar.
Deleting a Subcontractor From the Bid Package
To delete a subcontractor from the bid package, click on the ellipsis to the left of the subcontractor name. Select Delete to remove the subcontractor from the bid package.
Changing the Subcontractor Order in the Matrix
To change the order of the subcontractors in the matrix, click in the subcontractor name column header, hold the left mouse button down, and drag the column to the desired position.
Deleting a Clarification
To delete a clarification in a bid package, click on the ellipsis to the left of the clarification description. Select the Delete option to remove the clarification from the bid package.
Importing Clarifications From Excel or Word
You can import your list of clarifications from either Excel or Word. This will allow you to have clarification templates that represent a standard list of clarifications for each trade. The template can be used every time you encounter that trade on ...
Adding a Note to a Subcontractor Clarification
You can add a note to each clarification cell for each subcontractor included in the bid package. To add a clarification note, right mouse click on the cell that you wish to add a note. Select the Notes option to add the note. A black tick ...
Supplementing Quotes From the Clarification List
When you add clarifications to a bid package, some clarifications may have a dollar impact on a subcontractor’s bid, and some may not. To supplement a phase from a “clarification”, right mouse click in the cell and select the supplement option from ...
Adding Bid Package Clarifications
A list of clarifications, often referred to as inclusions & exclusions can be added to every bid package. To add / manage bid package clarifications, click on the Clarifications tab at the bottom of the bid package page. To manually add a ...
Excluding a Subcontractor Quote
To Exclude a subcontractor's bid from being used on any given bid package phase, right mouse click on the cell that contains the bid you wish to exclude. Select the Exclude option. Any bid that has been excluded will have a red background color. An ...
Requiring a Subcontractor Quote
To Require that a subcontractor's bid be used on any given bid package phase, right mouse click on the cell that contains the bid you wish to require. Select the Require option. Any bid that has been required will have a dark green background color. ...
● Supplementing bids for missing “item scope”
You can add or cut dollars from a subcontractor's phase quote by using the Supplement option on any cell in the matrix which includes a bid for a bid package phase. To supplement a bid, right mouse click on the bid package phase cell that contains ...
Entering Discounted Price Bids
A discounted price bid is a bid you receive from a subcontractor where you enter individual bids for bid package phases, but the subcontractor provides a discounted bid total, should they be awarded all the work for the individual bids they provided. ...
Entering Lump Sum Bids
To enter a lump sum bid, click on the + Add Subcontractor at the top of the Bid Package Matrix. Add the subcontractor to the Bid Package Matrix. If you are using SmartBid or BuildingConnected, you will be selecting a subcontractor from the list of ...
Entering Individual Phase Quotes
To enter individual phase quotes, click on the + Add Subcontractor at the top of the Bid Package Matrix. Add the subcontractor to the Bid Package Matrix. If you are using SmartBid, BuildingConnected or Procore, you will be selecting a subcontractor ...
Deleting a Bid Package Phase
To delete a bid package phase, right mouse click on the bid package phase code or the bid package phase description. Next, select the Delete option to remove that bid package phase from the bid package. Deleting a phase in the Bid Package Matrix also ...
Adding Notes to a Bid Package Phase
To add notes to a bid package phase, click on the ellipsis to the left of the bid package phase code or the bid package phase description. Next, select the Notes option and enter the note for the bid package phase. Notes entered for bid package ...
Adding Notes to a Bid Package
To add a note to the bid pack, click on the Details tab at the bottom of the bid package page. In the middle of the Details area you will see a Notes option. Click in the note and enter your bid package note. Notes you enter here will also be ...
Attaching Files to Subcontractor in a Bid Package Matrix
Files can be attached to a subcontractor that has been added to a bid package matrix. To attach a file to the subcontractor in the bid package, right mouse click on the subcontractor name cell. Next, click on the Attach File option. You will be ...
Adding Notes to Subcontractors
To add a note to a subcontractor in the bid package matrix, click on the ellipsis in the subcontractor company name cell. Then select the Notes option. After entering a note for a subcontractor, a note icon will display in the company name cell. ...
Viewing a Bid Package Phase Scope
When importing an estimate from Sage / Timberline, Trimble / WinEst, or Excel, the estimate you import may include items within each bid package. Each item would have an item code, and item description, takeoff quantity, and budget amount. This item ...
Bid Package Budget Column
The bid package matrix always includes a budget column. The budget for each bid package phase can be populated during the estimate import process, assuming the estimate that you import includes dollar values for each bid packages. For bid packages ...
Viewing/Changing Subcontractor Attributes Displaying in a Bid Package
As you click on subcontractors and any of their bids in the bid package matrix, you can see important information about that subcontractor. The information for each subcontractor displays in the lower right of the Details tab within each bid package ...
Adding Subcontractors to a Bid Package
To add a subcontractor to a bid package matrix, click on the + Add Subcontractor option on the bid package toolbar. This will bring up the Add Subcontractor Window. The first option in the Add Subcontractor window is Search for Subcontractors. This ...